Data Import
Connect Data Source
Attempt to obtain a token from the data provider, store it in the database. With this, the connector to continue to obtain new user data until the token is revoked.
Enter your bearer token in the format Bearer access_token_here
Path Parameters
Lowercase system name of the source application or device. Get a list of available connectors from the /v3/connectors/list endpoint.
Available options:
, fitbit
, github
, googlecalendar
, googlefit
, medhelper
, mint
, moodpanda
, moodscope
, myfitnesspal
, mynetdiary
, netatmo
, rescuetime
, runkeeper
, slack
, sleepcloud
, slice
, up
, whatpulse
, withings
, worldweatheronline
, foursquare
, strava
, gmail