Get measurements
Measurements are any value that can be recorded like daily steps, a mood rating, or apples eaten.
Enter your bearer token in the format Bearer access_token_here
Query Parameters
Name of the variable you want measurements for
Sort by one of the listed field names. If the field name is prefixed with -
, it will sort in descending order.
The LIMIT is used to limit the number of results returned. So if youhave 1000 results, but only want to the first 10, you would set this to 10 and offset to 0. The maximum limit is 200 records.
OFFSET says to skip that many rows before beginning to return rows to the client. OFFSET 0 is the same as omitting the OFFSET clause.If both OFFSET and LIMIT appear, then OFFSET rows are skipped before starting to count the LIMIT rows that are returned.
x > 0
Ex: Emotions, Treatments, Symptoms...
, Books
, Causes of Illness
, Cognitive Performance
, Conditions
, Emotions
, Environment
, Foods
, Location
, Miscellaneous
, Movies and TV
, Music
, Nutrients
, Payments
, Physical Activity
, Physique
, Sleep
, Social Interactions
, Software
, Symptoms
, Treatments
, Vital Signs
, Goals
When the record was last updated. Use UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss datetime format. Time zone should be UTC and not local.
ID of the source you want measurements for (supports exact name match only)
Ex: facebook
Value of measurement
Ex: Milligrams
% Recommended Daily Allowance
, -4 to 4 Rating
, 0 to 1 Rating
, 0 to 5 Rating
, 1 to 10 Rating
, 1 to 5 Rating
, Applications
, Beats per Minute
, Calories
, Capsules
, Centimeters
, Count
, Degrees Celsius
, Degrees East
, Degrees Fahrenheit
, Degrees North
, Dollars
, Drops
, Event
, Feet
, Grams
, Hours
, Inches
, Index
, Kilocalories
, Kilograms
, Kilometers
, Liters
, Meters
, Micrograms
, Micrograms per decilitre
, Miles
, Milligrams
, Milliliters
, Millimeters
, Millimeters Merc
, Milliseconds
, Minutes
, Pascal
, Percent
, Pieces
, Pills
, Pounds
, Puffs
, Seconds
, Serving
, Sprays
, Tablets
, Torr
, Units
, Yes/No
, per Minute
, Doses
, Quarts
, Ounces
, International Units
, Meters per Second
Excluded records with measurement times earlier than this value. Use UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss datetime format. Time zone should be UTC and not local.
Excluded records with measurement times later than this value. Use UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss datetime format. Time zone should be UTC and not local.
When the record was first created. Use UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss datetime format. Time zone should be UTC and not local.
Measurement id
The time (in seconds) over which measurements are grouped together
The time (in seconds) over which measurements are grouped together
Ex: true
Your client id can be obtained by creating an app at
Ex: 1
Ex: 1
Application or device used to record the measurement values
Start Time for the measurement event in UTC ISO 8601 like 2020-01-01T12:12:12
Abbreviated name for the unit of measurement
Converted measurement value in requested unit
Name of the variable for which we are creating the measurement records
Ex: curedao
Ex: 13
Ex: 2017-07-30 21:08:36
Ex: Trader Joe Bedtime Tea
Examples: 3/5, $10, or 1 count
Ex: ion-sad-outline
Ex: 1051466127
Ex: value
Ex: ion-ios-medkit-outline
Ex: 1
Ex: 5. Unit: User-specified or common.
Ex: 1. Unit: User-specified or common.
Note of measurement
Embeddable HTML with message hyperlinked with associated url
Additional meta data for the measurement
Ex: 23
Original value submitted. Unit: Originally submitted.
Ex: img/variable_categories/treatments.png
Link to associated product for purchase
Ex: 2014-08-27
Ex: 6
Ex: Miscellany
Ex: 23
Ex: Count
Ex: 2017-07-30 21:08:36
Link to associated Facebook like or GitHub commit, for instance
Ex: count
Ex: 6
Ex: Miscellany
Ex: 23
Ex: Count
Ex: 13
Ex: Treatments
Valence indicates what type of buttons should be used when recording measurements for this variable. positive - Face buttons with the happiest face equating to a 5/5 rating where higher is better like Overall Mood. negative - Face buttons with the happiest face equating to a 1/5 rating where lower is better like Headache Severity. numeric - Just 1 to 5 numeric buttons for neutral variables.
Ex: 13
Ex: Emotions, Treatments, Symptoms...
, Books
, Causes of Illness
, Cognitive Performance
, Conditions
, Emotions
, Environment
, Foods
, Goals
, Locations
, Miscellaneous
, Movies and TV
, Music
, Nutrients
, Payments
, Physical Activities
, Physique
, Sleep
, Social Interactions
, Software
, Symptoms
, Treatments
, Vital Signs
Valence indicates what type of buttons should be used when recording measurements for this variable. positive - Face buttons with the happiest face equating to a 5/5 rating where higher is better like Overall Mood. negative - Face buttons with the happiest face equating to a 1/5 rating where lower is better like Headache Severity. numeric - Just 1 to 5 numeric buttons for neutral variables.
Ex: 5956846