API Reference
- Getting Started
- Variables
- Measurements
- Analytics
- App Settings
- Data Import
- Feed
- Notifications
- Reminders
- Shares
- Studies
- Units
- User
Get tracking reminder notifications
Specific tracking reminder notification instances that still need to be tracked.
Enter your bearer token in the format Bearer access_token_here
Query Parameters
Sort by one of the listed field names. If the field name is prefixed with -
, it will sort in descending order.
When the record was first created. Use UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss datetime format. Time zone should be UTC and not local.
When the record was last updated. Use UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss datetime format. Time zone should be UTC and not local.
The LIMIT is used to limit the number of results returned. So if youhave 1000 results, but only want to the first 10, you would set this to 10 and offset to 0. The maximum limit is 200 records.
OFFSET says to skip that many rows before beginning to return rows to the client. OFFSET 0 is the same as omitting the OFFSET clause.If both OFFSET and LIMIT appear, then OFFSET rows are skipped before starting to count the LIMIT rows that are returned.
x > 0
Ex: Emotions, Treatments, Symptoms...
, Books
, Causes of Illness
, Cognitive Performance
, Conditions
, Emotions
, Environment
, Foods
, Location
, Miscellaneous
, Movies and TV
, Music
, Nutrients
, Payments
, Physical Activity
, Physique
, Sleep
, Social Interactions
, Software
, Symptoms
, Treatments
, Vital Signs
, Goals
Ex: (lt)2017-07-31 21:43:26
Your client id can be obtained by creating an app at https://builder.quantimo.do
Ex: 1
Include deleted variables
Can be used as body of help info popup
Can be used as title in help info popup
HTML element id
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Smaller square image
Smaller circular image
Ex: #f2f2f2
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Ex: Content
Ex: Title
HTML for the entire card.
Ex: <div>Content</div>
Larger image of variable dimensions
Ex: Title
, date
, email
, number
, postal_code
, select_option
, string
, switch
, text_area
, unit
, variable_category
HTML element id
Selector list options
Ex: Title
Ex: Title
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
See https://html5pattern.com/ for examples
Ex: ion-refresh
A link to a web page or something. Not much more to say about that.
Key value pairs derived from user input fields, button clicks, or preset defaults
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Ex: sharingBody
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Ex: sharingTitle
Ex: subTitle
Ex: subTitle
Ex: Title
Response code such as 200
Unit abbreviation
Unit category
, Duration
, Energy
, Frequency
, Miscellany
, Pressure
, Proportion
, Rating
, Temperature
, Volume
, Weight
, Count
Ex: 4
Unit name
Ex: 1
Ex: 6
Ex: Miscellany
Ex: 29
Ex: https://static.quantimo.do/img/medical/png/pill.png
Ex: 0
The maximum allowed value for measurements. While you can record a value above this maximum, it will be excluded from the correlation analysis.
The minimum allowed value for measurements. While you can record a value below this minimum, it will be excluded from the correlation analysis.
Ex: 0
Ex: 0
id for the specific PENDING tracking remidner
HTML element id
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Smaller square image
Smaller circular image
Ex: #f2f2f2
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Ex: Content
Ex: Title
HTML for the entire card.
Ex: <div>Content</div>
Larger image of variable dimensions
Ex: Title
, date
, email
, number
, postal_code
, select_option
, string
, switch
, text_area
, unit
, variable_category
HTML element id
Selector list options
Ex: Title
Ex: Title
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
See https://html5pattern.com/ for examples
Ex: ion-refresh
A link to a web page or something. Not much more to say about that.
Key value pairs derived from user input fields, button clicks, or preset defaults
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Ex: sharingBody
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Ex: sharingTitle
Ex: subTitle
Ex: subTitle
Ex: Title
Link to study comparing variable with strongest relationship for population
HTML element id
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Smaller square image
Smaller circular image
Ex: #f2f2f2
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
Ex: Content
Ex: Title
HTML for the entire card.
Ex: <div>Content</div>
Larger image of variable dimensions
Ex: Title
, date
, email
, number
, postal_code
, select_option
, string
, switch
, text_area
, unit
, variable_category
HTML element id
Selector list options
Ex: Title
Ex: Title
Ex: https://local.quantimo.do
Ex: Connect
Ex: connect
Action data
Ex: connect
Ex: #f2f2f2
Text to show user before executing functionName
Name of function to call
Ex: connect
HTML element id
Ex: https://image.jpg
Ex: ion-refresh
Data to provide to functionName or be copied to the card parameters when button is clicked and card is posted to the API
State to go to
Data to provide to the state
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Text to show user after executing functionName
Ex: This is a tooltip
Post here on button click
See https://html5pattern.com/ for examples
Ex: ion-refresh
A link to a web page or something. Not much more to say about that.