Create or Update Tracking Reminder
This is to enable users to create reminders to track a variable with a default value at a specified frequency
Enter your bearer token in the format Bearer access_token_here
Number of seconds between one reminder and the next
Ex: /5
Ex: Emotions, Treatments, Symptoms...
, Books
, Causes of Illness
, Cognitive Performance
, Conditions
, Emotions
, Environment
, Foods
, Goals
, Locations
, Miscellaneous
, Movies and TV
, Music
, Nutrients
, Payments
, Physical Activities
, Physique
, Sleep
, Social Interactions
, Software
, Symptoms
, Treatments
, Vital Signs
Name of the variable to be used when sending measurements
Link to study comparing variable with strongest relationship for population
Link to study comparing variable with strongest relationship for user or population
Link to study comparing variable with strongest relationship for user
Your client id can be obtained by creating an app at
The way multiple measurements are aggregated over time
Description of relationship with variable with strongest relationship for population
Ex: 2016-05-18 02:24:08 UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
Default value to use for the measurement when tracking. Unit: User-specified or common.
Ex: Trader Joe's Bedtime Tea
True if the reminders should be delivered via email
If a tracking reminder is enabled, tracking reminder notifications will be generated for this variable.
Ex: reminderStartTimeLocal is less than $user->earliestReminderTime or greater than $user->latestReminderTime
Ex: 0. Unit: User-specified or common.
Ex: 02:45:20 in UTC timezone
Ex: Daily
Ex: Daily at 09:45 PM
Ex: saddestFaceIsFive
Ex: I am an instruction!
Ex: ion-sad-outline
UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss timestamp for the last time a measurement was received for this user and variable
Ex: 2
UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss timestamp for the reminder time of the latest tracking reminder notification that has been pre-emptively generated in the database
Ex: How is your overall mood on a scale of 1 to 5??
Ex: 1
Ex: 5. Unit: User-specified or common.
Ex: 1. Unit: User-specified or common.
Ex: 1501555520
True if the reminders should appear in the notification bar
Ex: 445
Ex: 1
Description of relationship with variable with strongest relationship for user or population
Indicates whether the variable is usually an outcome of interest such as a symptom or emotion
Ex: img/variable_categories/symptoms.png
True if the reminders should appear as a popup notification
Link to associated product for purchase
Ex: How is your overall mood?
Latest time of day at which reminders should appear in UTC HH:MM:SS format
String identifier for the sound to accompany the reminder
Ex: 1469760320
Earliest time of day at which reminders should appear in UTC HH:MM:SS format
Ex: 21:45:20
Ex: 09:45 PM
Ex: true
Ex: 01:00:00
Ex: 1. Unit: User-specified or common.
True if the reminders should be delivered via SMS
Earliest date on which the user should be reminded to track in YYYY-MM-DD format
Latest date on which the user should be reminded to track in YYYY-MM-DD format
Ex: 20:00:00
Ex: 3
Ex: 11841
Ex: Not Found
Ex: 5
Ex: Rating
Ex: 10
Ex: 1 to 5 Rating
UPC or other barcode scan result
When the record in the database was last updated. Use UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss datetime format. Time zone should be UTC and not local.
ID of User
Description of relationship with variable with strongest relationship for user
Ex: /5
Ex: 5
Ex: Rating
Ex: 10
Ex: 1 to 5 Rating
Ex: 10
Ex: Symptoms
Valence indicates what type of buttons should be used when recording measurements for this variable. positive - Face buttons with the happiest face equating to a 5/5 rating where higher is better like Overall Mood. negative - Face buttons with the happiest face equating to a 1/5 rating where lower is better like Headache Severity. numeric - Just 1 to 5 numeric buttons for neutral variables.
Ex: Rate daily
Ex: Rate daily at 09:45 PM
Ex: 10
Valence indicates what type of buttons should be used when recording measurements for this variable. positive - Face buttons with the happiest face equating to a 5/5 rating where higher is better like Overall Mood. negative - Face buttons with the happiest face equating to a 1/5 rating where lower is better like Headache Severity. numeric - Just 1 to 5 numeric buttons for neutral variables.
Id for the variable to be tracked